
"Friction makes sparks... and sparks start great creative conflagrations."   - Leo Burnett

I started my Graphic Design education at several different colleges over a span of 7 years. It was almost as if I was on a quest - a quest to find the best college that would give me the environment I needed; one that I could thrive in and partake in the best creative conflagrations I could find. I went from college to college - from Stony Brook University to Suffolk Community College to New York Institute of Technology and finally to the amazing School of Visual Arts. At SVA I quickly learned that there is no "right" and "wrong" to a person's individual design aesthetic; finding your own voice and style is truly what matters when establishing yourself as an artist.  

I currently work as a Graphic Designer for Source One Packaging, a flexible packaging company located in Hauppauge. I have worked on packaging setups for various types of companies, both big and small. I am knowledgeable in Flexographic, Rotogravure, and Digital print methods and primarily work in Adobe Illustrator. I also handle generating all marketing aspects for the company - such as email blasts, digital and printed fliers, and website imagery.